Barbara Hauser

Über sie

Ihre Arbeiten wurden von der Kunsthistorikerin Renate Roos aus

Köln wie folgt beschrieben:


"Barbara Hauser gehört zu jener Generation von Künstlern, die der

Fotografie ihren Wirklichkeitsanspruch aberkennt und ihn wieder

der Malerei überlassen. Nichtsdestoweniger benutzt sie beide Medien

in ihren Arbeiten. Die Fotografie dient Barbara Hauser als Vorstudie.

Extreme Perspektiven, außergewöhnliche Motive und den spontanen

Charakter von Schnappschüssen verbindet sie mit der konservativen

Malerei. Auf diese Weise entsteht eine neue Ästhetik, die nicht mehr

naturgetreu sein will.


Ihre Bilder zeigen dicke Körper in ihrer fleischigen Masse, mit derselben

brutalen Direktheit, wie man sie bei der britischen Künstlerin Jenny

Saville findet. Obszöne Motive setzt sie ebenso unbedarft auf zartfarbene

Blümchenstoffe, als habe die amerikanische Malerin Sue Williams ihren

pornografischen Kürzel mit farbigen Leben gefüllt. Sie legt Farbschlieren

um die Menschen, wie Edward Munch um seinen "Schrei". Sie zieht ihren

Darstellern die Füße unter dem Boden weg oder lässt sie in Farbwolken



Aber eines verbindet alle Protagonisten miteinander, ihr trotziger Lebenswille

und ihre Würde"



Artikel über Barbara Hauser "London Carnival" Ausstellung

Melbourne 2011

auf isiiad webside Australia


Barbara Hauser's "London Carnival"




Big, gutsy, unforgettable work!  Pictures don't adequately show the scale

and the impact of Barbara Hauser's work. Their size represents something

of Barbara's passion for people. She loves their stories, their imperfections,

their raw gutsy character. The colour of humanity is right out there, proud

and strong. The works are physically large, painted on printed fabric...the

print in parts evident in the paintings.

Barbara is originally from Germany but has lived and worked all over the world.

For now Melbourne is her resting place. But plans are in place for a trip back to

Germany for our winter.  She'll be back in Australia next year to paint the St Kilda

colour.  She has made contact with the Street Workers.  Hold on to your hats for

that one!





Barbara  renders flesh with such luminosity.  Rubens is her teacher.  She studied his paintings

until she could achieve the luminosity apparent in his luscious women. Fabric paint from

Germany adds to the effect 


Being a gypsy painter, she is used to creating a studio where ever she finds herself

in the world.  She asked me if I'd like her to 'build' her studio for me.  Within five

minutes, she had transformed the courtyard of her garden into a studio, under a

brolly with cushions to protect her knees from the hard bricks.  Her paintings are

all done flat on the ground in this way.  

This garden is a gorgeous oasis in Brunswick. It reminds her of another of her

'homes' in Thailand.







While in Melbourne, Barbara has been attending life drawing sessions at Dunmoochin.

She immediately fitted in to the artistic community there and was offered an exhibition

space in the long gallery to show her work.  On 21st May at 3pm-9pm and 22nd May

3pm-5pm she will be in attendance at Dunmoochin to welcome people to her exhibition,

"London Carnival".

Dunmoochin is at 105 Barreenong Rd. Cottles Bridge.  Melways reference, 263 C1.


Barbara's website gives a good idea of other exhibitions she's had around the world.

Barbara Hauser's

Barbara Hauser's "London Carnival"

Barbara Hauser's "London Carnival" (Detail) Big, gutsy, unforgettable work!  Pictures

don't adequately show the scale and the impact of Barbara Hauser's work. Their size

represents something of Barbara's passion for people. She loves their... [More...]